
Friday, October 4, 2013

Hear Audio Through Your Finger

    This technology let our human body as sound transmitter. Ishin-Den-Shin lets a person to hear recorded voice from  finger touch.( Above Picture). This system uses wearable FingerWhisper device which let the user to hear the phone conversion by placing his/her finger tips near his ears. Poupyrev call his system Ishin-Den-shin, after a Japanese Phrase that roughly translate as "what the mind thinks, the heaart transmits."        
   This device employed with a handheld microphone connected with a computer for recording the voice. The computer convert the recording voice into soundloop and further it is converted to harmless high-voltage that is inaudible signals that's transmitted to the microphone's conductive casing.
                   Person who having the microphone becomes the sound transmitter.The person being touched hear the sound..If this technology prevails i can even replace the mobile...

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Hide Files Using Command Prompt

     We can hide our files using command prompt. By this method we can hide files without any software or by windows properties. Let us follow the steps give below.

   STEP 1: Run the command prompt by clicking Windowsbutton + R. Type cmd over it.
   STEP 2: Command prompt will appear on the screen type +s +h +r FilePath.
                   Eg: +s +h +r c:\mysecret
   STEP 3: The file hide automatically. To recover or Unhide the file type -s -h -r FilePath.
                    Eg: -s -h -r c:\mysecret