
Thursday, April 25, 2013

IBM's 3 in 1 solar invention


                                  This is a 3 in 1 solar invention which produce electricity from the solar power, produce fresh water from the salt water by the process of desalination and also produce a conditioned air too.
                                   For  this invention they use a High Concentration PhotoVoltaic hermal(HCPVT).This method harness the energy of 2000 suns. And more over these are renewable energy source.The estimation of the cost per sqare meter to be about  $250. By using these method a electricty requirement of a town is satisfied by a single dish.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Fighting Armored Glove


                           This is a crime fighting armored glove confornations and prevent violent situations. It will be useful especially for copes and can save lifes. It was designed by David brown.
                           Officers leftarm is encased in ballistic nylon and half a million volt arc menacingly between electrodes in its wrist.


1. Highvoltage stunner.
2. Video camera.
3. Laser pointer
4. Flash light.
5. Weight Less than three pound...

For More Reference..Click here

Thursday, April 11, 2013


                              Based on 2013 Laptop staff review the notebooks are rated. It is mostly order based on its tech support....


Rating of Laptop brands

                                          Based on the 2013 review rating the Notebooks brands are order from the most best to worst one. Depend on its tech support.


Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Compress 1GB to 10MB

                                  Now,it is possible to compress the 1GB datas into less than 10MB. We people already know the zip format which is somewhat reduce the size by compressing files. Now i introduce u another format knomn as KGB format. This software enables yo to compress the files.if u do the same in zip format it takes 6-7 hours to compress the file in 256MB ram computer.


1. Double click on the KGB icon and run the application.
2.It asks for which file you want to compress.
3.Select the file
4.After you select, you get two options in which format you want to compress it.
5.Select ZIP format.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Cellular pillows....Sleep well....

                                 Most of the people cannot get the good sleep during the night.The Oxygen emitting pillow is the remedy now.

Cellular pillow

                              Qing Ji,an Undergraduate for the JiLin Animation Institute in China,has submitted a concept for the Electrolux Design Lab student competition.It is a green and white casual pillow saftety from harmful germs.It is made p of aloe monoxide and release oxygen in its place.
                               This eliminates harmful gases around the sleeper and harmfl bacteria tooo...

ACS M109

Its is a special silencer ACS M109 Federal Republic of germany...

Germany launched its new equipment for their defence this act as a silencer in tanks...The  tanks producing lot of noise when it is fired to avoid such a noise this silencers are used...