
Monday, December 16, 2013


     The Rex bionics give a new life for the physically disabled person. Scientist and engineers of rex bionics made possible with their eight years of hard work. when i entered into the website i first noticed a quote.

 This quote explain their whole invention. This rex made the mobility impairtment person or person who are using a wheel chair to move and walk on thier own.

This devices holds 29 on-board processor with a joystick to direct the person to sit, walk, climb and even they use the stairs to walk. Rex is recognised by most of the people around the world and they willing to buy it too. This robotic exoskeleton is simply an amazing invention...Hats off to rex bionics.

Referred link....click here 

Tuesday, November 19, 2013


                            The facebook released its new update on chat box. The chatting person were unaware of the person whether they using mobile or web to chat. Now this not suppose to be a problem for chatters. They have the clear view on the chat box mentioning their mode of communication. This is indicated as "MOBILE" and "WEB" in green color.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Hear Audio Through Your Finger

    This technology let our human body as sound transmitter. Ishin-Den-Shin lets a person to hear recorded voice from  finger touch.( Above Picture). This system uses wearable FingerWhisper device which let the user to hear the phone conversion by placing his/her finger tips near his ears. Poupyrev call his system Ishin-Den-shin, after a Japanese Phrase that roughly translate as "what the mind thinks, the heaart transmits."        
   This device employed with a handheld microphone connected with a computer for recording the voice. The computer convert the recording voice into soundloop and further it is converted to harmless high-voltage that is inaudible signals that's transmitted to the microphone's conductive casing.
                   Person who having the microphone becomes the sound transmitter.The person being touched hear the sound..If this technology prevails i can even replace the mobile...

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Hide Files Using Command Prompt

     We can hide our files using command prompt. By this method we can hide files without any software or by windows properties. Let us follow the steps give below.

   STEP 1: Run the command prompt by clicking Windowsbutton + R. Type cmd over it.
   STEP 2: Command prompt will appear on the screen type +s +h +r FilePath.
                   Eg: +s +h +r c:\mysecret
   STEP 3: The file hide automatically. To recover or Unhide the file type -s -h -r FilePath.
                    Eg: -s -h -r c:\mysecret

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Virtual keyboard

         I read it from a facebook page. This devices inspired me more. Its a cubic shaped virtual QWERTY keyboard with 63 keys. Its suites for Iphone/Ipad,Blackberry tablet, Android smartphone, Windows phone7 etc.
Virtual Keyboard
This excitement made me to surf further on this topic.The features of this Products are
1.Its able to project a full sized keyboard on the flat surface.
2. Bluetooth based connection
3. Mouse mode enables yor finger as mouse
4. 150 minutes continuous typing by rechargeable battery.
5. Charge via USB.No need for seperate drivers
                For further product specification click the below reference website

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Gaming Tablet

                                       Project Fiona  is the first generation gaming tablet. This tablet built for hardcore gaming and more it is the only tablet in the world that allows for console style gaming.
             Its features are PC supportability, 3-axis gyro,magnetometer,accelerometer,full screen user interface, immersive, vibration-feed back, touch screen and direct reflective acoustics...
                This will be a valuable gift for the hardcore game lovers. we are awaiting.....

Project Fiona

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Virtual reality gaming

                            "Oculus Rift" this kit now going to make possible for a new gaming environment. This device is the first truly immersive virtual reality headset for video games. 3d headset lets the person who playing the game in that actual playing environment. Wear this Oculus rift and you turn your head around with Ultra-low latency to view the world in high resolution display. 
Oculus Rift

                              This reality device cost $300,and the package even available as a development kit. It takes few more years for commercial availabilty...Oculus Rift is going to be a initiative for virtual reality gamings....
                                      The reference sites:   Site1

Friday, June 28, 2013

Multipurpose Raid And Fold Bicycle.

                               London Garden Foldable Electric Bicycle model is invented mainly for the down town of London because these area allows only bicycle and buses for transportation. This bicylce is specially designed to generate electricity during cycling which is used when it is in bike mode and currency to pay for transportation in bus.


This Electric bicycle can be folded and used as seats in bus. The more important the bus stop are used as bike storage which at the top of the bus stop. It is safe and can be better place for the cycle to recharge it by solar radiations and wind....

Add caption

Sunday, June 9, 2013


               Its is small open source drone kit made by Bitraze.This device is targeted at hackers and modders who want to explore droning indoors and outdoors. This quadcopter looks like barely more than for propellers, a battery and a control board,it includes multiple sensors and an antenna onto the small frame.
               The developers hope that it "the people will use it for that.."and it's extremely fun to play with as well, ust flt around.They have already gotten suggestions for modification and hacked the copter to carry a video camera, LEDS, and even an inductive charger.
               This device worth $149 is controlled by a PC through a 2.4 GHZ radio,and a on-board gyroscope and accelerometer keep it steady.

For More refernces Clik here

Friday, June 7, 2013

Upcoming Windows 8.1 Named Window's Blue

                 The Tweaked version of Windows 8 nicknamed Windows blue will be previewed on june 26. And Microsoft Operating system make avail this Upgraded version window 8.1 as free update for window 8 user. 
                   The move is part of a goal"of delivering continual updates to create a richer experience for Windows customers,"a Microsoft blog spot said.

    For More references..  Click here

Thursday, April 25, 2013

IBM's 3 in 1 solar invention


                                  This is a 3 in 1 solar invention which produce electricity from the solar power, produce fresh water from the salt water by the process of desalination and also produce a conditioned air too.
                                   For  this invention they use a High Concentration PhotoVoltaic hermal(HCPVT).This method harness the energy of 2000 suns. And more over these are renewable energy source.The estimation of the cost per sqare meter to be about  $250. By using these method a electricty requirement of a town is satisfied by a single dish.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Fighting Armored Glove


                           This is a crime fighting armored glove confornations and prevent violent situations. It will be useful especially for copes and can save lifes. It was designed by David brown.
                           Officers leftarm is encased in ballistic nylon and half a million volt arc menacingly between electrodes in its wrist.


1. Highvoltage stunner.
2. Video camera.
3. Laser pointer
4. Flash light.
5. Weight Less than three pound...

For More Reference..Click here

Thursday, April 11, 2013


                              Based on 2013 Laptop staff review the notebooks are rated. It is mostly order based on its tech support....


Rating of Laptop brands

                                          Based on the 2013 review rating the Notebooks brands are order from the most best to worst one. Depend on its tech support.


Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Compress 1GB to 10MB

                                  Now,it is possible to compress the 1GB datas into less than 10MB. We people already know the zip format which is somewhat reduce the size by compressing files. Now i introduce u another format knomn as KGB format. This software enables yo to compress the files.if u do the same in zip format it takes 6-7 hours to compress the file in 256MB ram computer.


1. Double click on the KGB icon and run the application.
2.It asks for which file you want to compress.
3.Select the file
4.After you select, you get two options in which format you want to compress it.
5.Select ZIP format.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Cellular pillows....Sleep well....

                                 Most of the people cannot get the good sleep during the night.The Oxygen emitting pillow is the remedy now.

Cellular pillow

                              Qing Ji,an Undergraduate for the JiLin Animation Institute in China,has submitted a concept for the Electrolux Design Lab student competition.It is a green and white casual pillow saftety from harmful germs.It is made p of aloe monoxide and release oxygen in its place.
                               This eliminates harmful gases around the sleeper and harmfl bacteria tooo...

ACS M109

Its is a special silencer ACS M109 Federal Republic of germany...

Germany launched its new equipment for their defence this act as a silencer in tanks...The  tanks producing lot of noise when it is fired to avoid such a noise this silencers are used...

Friday, March 29, 2013


Since many people are alone when they suffer a heart attack, without help,the person whose heart is beating improperly and who begins to feel faint, has only about 10 seconds left before losing consciousness.

However,these victims can help themselves by coughing repeatedly and very vigorously. A deep breath should be taken before each cough, and the cough must be deep and prolonged, as when producing sputum from deep inside the chest.

A breath and a cough must be repeated about every two seconds without let-up until help arrives, or until the heart is felt to be beating normally again.

Deep breaths get oxygen into the lungs and coughing movements squeeze the heart and keep the blood circulating. The squeezing pressure on the heart also helps it regain normal rhythm. In this way, heart attack victims can get to a hospital. Tell as many other people as possible about this. It could save their lives!!

A cardiologist says If everyone who sees this post shares it to 10 people, you can bet that we'll save at least one life..

Rather than sharing jokes only please contribute by forwarding this info which can save a person's life.

Monday, March 25, 2013

How to Remove Shortcut Virus From Your Pendrive or Memory Card

All your folders in pendrive/flash drives or memory cards are converted into shortcut icons Most of the
people come across this type of issue with their working environment.

Now in this post I will discuss how to clean that virus. For this there is no need of  any antivirus software.
If you have not formatted your flash drive then you can solve theis problem.

Just fallow the below steps …..
Click on "Start" -->Run --> type cmd and click on OK.
Here I assume your pen drive letter as K:(this only example)
Enter this command.
attrib -h -r -s /s /d G:\*.*
You can copy the above command --> Right-click in the Command Prompt and
paste it.

Note : Don't forget to replace the letter G with your pen drive letter.
Now press "Enter".
That’s it!!!!
Now check for your files and folder in Pen Drive.

Sunday, March 24, 2013


German luxury auto maker BMW looks to step outside of the norm a bit with their latest offering, the BMW Cruise Electric Bike.

BMW knows that people are looking for alternative, more cost effective ways to get from point A to point B, and they are hoping the Cruise can help. The bicycle is powered by a 250 watt electric motor that allows the 2 wheeler to cruise for 85 kilometers at a steady pace of 25 KMH. Unfortunately for stateside residents, this bike is set to debut in Germany with only 1,000 total units hitting the scene. We imagine that further production will be dependent upon consumer response from the first batch.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

The Solar Roofs...

Use this roofs and utilize the solar power

All India Radio App For Android

All India Radio (AIR Aka Aakashvani) App For Android - Download Available

India's favorite, 83 year old radio station, All India Radio (AIR) aka Aakashvani has adopted the Android route and an Android app is now available for download in the Google Play store (download link below). The official app has been designed to provide you with the latest national and regional news and content on your mobile device. The app requires you to have Android 2.2 and above and is just 1.9 MB in size. The app seems to be doing extremely well on the Google Play store with an average rating of 4.7 (so far) from users.

The app launch may mark the beginning of a new era for the age old Aakashvani radio. The radio service was on the decline in the last few years with the emergence of private radio stations in India. India's News & Broadcasting minister, Manish Tiwari launched the app yesterday.
The AIR android app provides fresh news content in both text and audio forms. The audio news section delivers the popular radio news shows viz. Samachar Prabhat, Dopahar Samachar and Samachaar Sandhya etc. Of course, reach wise the app will take a while because the data connectivity isn't uniform all over India.

I'm however curious to know why'd people want to pay for data usage to listen to the content that is anyway getting delivered free of cost through radio. Almost every mobile phone can tune in to AIR. I might be wrong though. Would love to hear your thoughts on this update.

Download Link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.parsarbharti.airnews

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Washable Wearable Computers.....

The wearable computers have the great scope on military and medical application.According to the research scientist of Nottingham Trent University in UK.The already existing wearable computers involves the insertion of electronic module after the clothing has been produced,which results in it being inflexible and requires it to be removed before washing.

Now,themanufacturing of Micro Electronic Textile(MET) integrate this technology by embedding sensors in the fibre.it is smaller than the size of pin head.

This process produce a smart textile which retains the fabric's basic charateristics of being tactile,flexible and machine washable.it can also be tumble dried.
This will monitor the chemical reaction and vital signs for medical and sporting assessments...

For more visit...

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Plantbook Laptop Concept

 A highly futuristic concept of a laptop that bases it’s charging system in the same water-soaking abilities of the bamboo by the designers Seunggi Baek and Hyerim Kim. The Plantbook system uses an external water tank, hence the Plantbook continuously absorbs water when soaking it in water and generates electrolysis using power stored in a solar heat plate installed on the top. In this process, it is operated using hydrogen as energy source and discharges oxygen. If you put it into a water bottle while you don’t use the laptop, it automatically charges a battery and discharges oxygen


Saturday, February 9, 2013


My friends now days many of them using windows8 operating system.The thing that they feel inconvenient is searching buttons to shutdown and the related operation.why not we help them.Create shortcuts for these options.Here i given the steps to create shortcut creation for shutdown follow these and create shortcut for other options too.

STEP 1:Create new shotcut by making Right-click on the background screen give New-shortcut command...and the do as picture shown below..
 STEP 2: Type the name..
 STEP 3: Give the location shutdown/t/t00
 STEP 4:
 STEP 5:

 STEP 8:
 STEP 9:
 STEP 10:
 STEP 11:

Now you know something new follow us to know new...

For more ..Shortcut w8

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Charge by breathing...

This is a conceptual AIRE mask.Just wear the strap on the face it charge your i-phone by converting your breath in to electricity.

If the person breath heavily creepers makes it charge any faster.This is added as bonus by Hannibal Lector.


The AIRE mask is a concept that hails from the mind of Joao Paulo Lammoglia,where it will rely on the power of your breath and then converting it to electricity.This is a tiny wind turbine.Its is to be noted that the AIRE mask remains connected to an IOS-powered device.